Thursday, April 21, 2011

Staying On Task - How to Be Better at Time Management

By James Spacey

You can become much better and managing your time. All that is required is a willingness to adapt new and more productive habits in your everyday life. It's not so hard to read or think about this, of course. It's something else to actually make the necessary changes. You will get better at time management, but everyone changes at his or her own pace. So approach the process understanding that some setbacks are inevitable. Still, you can make the whole process a little simpler if you follow some well tested guidelines.

While mapping out your goals and your day is good, it is also good to be flexible. You have to be open to the unexpected, and it can be stressful to impose too much structure on your routine. It becomes more difficult to focus on the tasks you have to complete when you're tense and uptight. Learn to let some things slide for the sake of your sanity. You can do this and still stay focused on your important objectives. What it does mean is that you don't have to panic if something you planned to do in the morning has to be put off until the afternoon. In such cases, just go with the flow. Too much structure is not good for your productivity, or even your health!

Each day, start by thinking about your goals for the next 8 hours and write them down. After you've got them all on paper begin ordering the list by priority. Take those items that need to be done first and put them up top and those that can wait a bit to the bottom. This list will become your "to do" list. The feeling of satisfaction you get by completing a to do list at the end of the day cannot be compared to any other feeling. You can now ask yourself "what's next on the list" instead of wondering what you should be doing.

Take time out to relax and schedule in breaks. Regular "me" times, even just a 15 minute break, can help you make it through an otherwise full throttle day without wearing down too quickly. Staying on top of your game is best handled with a fresh mind and relaxed body which is why you need scheduled breaks or down times every day. You may not know it but it has been proven that the brain functions better right after a break period. A few breaks a day should be included in your schedule and it's important that you actually take them too. Your brain and your body both need this "me" time. On top of that your emotions need them too. Do not let any other person convince you otherwise.

You have a lot of options for management skills. Time management is possible no matter what your situation is now. All you have left to do now is begin making some new habits, good habits. You won't ever have to worry about losing a day to daydreaming again and it won't take to much time either.

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