Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Many Benefits Of Resistance Training Revealed

By Roger Gray

Your overall fitness program can be complemented very nicely by adding a resistance training component. This may be done by using weight training machines or free weights that can provide some form of resistance. This type of training can be implemented by anyone, male or female, young or old in just minutes a day. Once you understand why you should do resistance training, you will never understand why you did not do it before.

Resistance training will allow you to become faster, stronger, and increasingly agile as you continue to do the program. Your added strength from doing this program will help you in everyday life and any sports that you do. Weightlifting in this manner will make you faster and more agile than ever before. This type of training will actually complement any type of sport that you do whether you are a runner or an all-around athlete. Doing resistance training for only 20 minutes a day a few times a week is all that is needed in order to see substantial gains.

By following a certain regimen in the same way for several months, your resistance training will dramatically improve your strength day by day. You will gain the most strength by working your smaller muscle groups after the larger muscle groups. A prime example would be doing a bench-press routine and following that up with some reverse curls. The smaller muscle groups simply fatigue much more quickly than the larger muscle groups and that is why you must do them last.

Modern studies have proven that people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other serious health problems have benefited from doing resistance training. For those that believe that only aerobic exercises can help people with these conditions, it shows that there are alternatives. By doing resistance training, you can lower your blood pressure for a longer time than if you did aerobic exercises. By doing these exercises, you will increase your good cholesterol rates and lower the bad. There are many benefits to this type of training including muscle strength, bone density, and improving your overall health. Resistance exercises, along with aerobics, can create a well-balanced exercise routine.

Most of what you have just read is only an overview of the totality of benefits that come from resistance routines. Your resistance training routine should begin with locating a personal trainer I can help you get started the right way. If you do your resistance routine the proper way, you will not risk injuring yourself once you begin. Resistance training, once you have begun, will lead to many positive health benefits coming your way.

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