Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When Fitness Counts - Sole F63 Treadmill

By T. R. Smith

The Sole F63 is redesigned for 2011, and it just keeps getting better. With a price tag under $1,000.00, the F63 delivers quite a lot of features. It has multiple running programs and two programs which you can design yourself. Sole's focus is on user-friendliness and durability. In this area the Sole F63 Treadmill delivers. You won't get all the feature-rich extras of Sole's top of the line F80 or F85, but you will not be paying for them either. What you do get is a solid product that is built to last - at an affordable price.

Quality, durability, and affordability all in one package - that's the Sole F63 Treadmill. It has a 2.6 horsepower motor which delivers a top speed of 10 MPH. With one quick glance at the display screen you will know your speed, your incline, your distance traveled, your calories burned, and your heart rate and pulse.

Other details include a wireless heart rate chest strap, six preset workouts, including cardio training and fat burning; a large stop switch, a low-profile running hood, speed and incline controls on the armrests, armrest cooling fans, and a 20-by-55-inch running surface.

The 2011 version of the F63 has a new method of displaying your workout information. The F63 Treadmill comes with a scrolling window which can walk you through all of the treadmill's features, as well as display all the details of your workout.

As the F63 is a folding treadmill, once done with your workout you can fold it, and move it out of the way until next time it is needed. Additionally it comes with a 20 year warranty on the motor, 3 on the deck, electronics, belts and rollers. It comes with one year warranty on labor.

Sole treadmills are sold through partnerships with Hilton Hotels, Dick's Sporting goods, and independent resellers. Sole bypasses the standard retail concept. This keeps cost down and Sole is able to pass on the savings to the consumer.

With a price of just under $1000, the Sole F63 is a much more solid machine than anything else in this price range. In fact, the F63 is just a Sole F80 with a slightly different console on it - the actual mechanics of the machine (speed, incline, motor, etc.) are all the exact same as the F80. So, if the LED screen on the Sole F80 treadmill isn't that important. If 6 programs are enough, and 10 might be overload, then the Sole F63 is a much better buy, it's that simple. You'll save $500 by giving up a couple of features you'll never even miss.

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