Thursday, December 8, 2011

Approaching Girls with Confidence

By Chris Miller

The strain of approaching a lady can be daunting. The anxiety can show in your actions and your words. The pressure may be too much to bear particularly if you can't think of anything cool to say. Moreover, you get the feeling that you are going to be rejected anyway. You have no idea how to behave if she doesn't react to your flirting and when you run out of cool things to say.

Approach anxiety is usual, so it's not just you. Getting a cure for anxiety attacks that occur when you approach a girl is not impossible. The truth is, there's always a feeling of nervousness when you are about to do something you're not accustomed to doing. You are not going to eliminate this feeling entirely, but you can control it well so that you won't have to worry about approaching ladies.

Allow me to share some strategies.

1. Assume an Open Body Language

There are lots of people around in a nightclub. When you get there, it's likely that you do not know anybody so you sit around doing nothing. This action is good for a couple of minutes maximum, after which you should get up and join the chat somewhere else. People are expected to go around and socialize in a crowded night club. Social interaction is the name of the game.

Ladies are looking at you. Your actions are being observed. Drinking alone and not talking to anybody would give the impression that you're creepy. They'd think you are all set on getting drunk alone and you do not want to mingle. Mingling with others begins with your body language. Be more easy to talk to even when everyone around is a stranger.

2. Eye Contact

It's simple enough to make eye contact with a girl. The tricky part is knowing what to do after you make eye contact. A woman would either give you a passive look or a receptive look. A passive look is an accidental locking of the eyes. This means you are not really planning on talking with that person and your look goes somewhere else. A responsive look is when you intentionally look at a girl to send your message via your eyes. Unless a woman is too stoned to notice, she will respond with a look back or she will pay no attention to you deliberately. Making use of eye contact as bait is a good idea.

Locking eyes might also mean measuring your level of confidence compared to the other person. She may look away initially, act shy or flustered. It's not always a given that a lady is more confident just because guys are approaching her. It's more likely that many ladies are more easily flustered when the man is self-confident.

3. Smirk

At the proper intensity, eye contact can make a girl blush. The impact of a well-placed look can be intense. Smiling can lessen the intensity and result in a warm feeling. A smile can inform her that you want to chat. It's like your whole face lights up, and she can't help but smile back.

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