Monday, December 5, 2011

Ways to Get the First Kiss

By Chris Miller

Most guys would tell horror stories about the very first time they kissed a girl. Some guys gnashed teeth with the woman and got her lips bloodied. The first kiss with a girl is almost always uncomfortable. If you are planning on dating a girl, you have to make sure your first kiss will not be added to the list of horrible first kisses. Your first kiss with the girl you want to date can turn out all right. Here i will discuss some suggestions on how you can get the very first kiss.

Getting the First Kiss in 3 Steps

Step One. Timing

The good bye kiss, or the kiss you share after the date, should never be your first kiss. To make the kiss work, you should not wait until then to go for it. Kiss her during the date. If, at the end of your date, it seems like she needs more, kiss her again. If she loved it, she would undoubtedly call some friends and describe it. If she loved the kiss, she would blush and act flustered. If she hates it, you wouldn't be able to follow up because she will never tell you that the kiss was horrible. Again, kiss her at some point in the date, and then you can kiss again afterward.

A critical time to kiss is when you are both feeling great. The timing is right when you are both having fun. You can start with a hug to measure the level of comfort. Go for a peck, and then some serious kissing next.

Step Two. Kissing Foreplay

Not unlike sex, kissing requires a bit of foreplay. Do not make it hard to get the very first kiss by preparing her for it. When the ambiance is right, don't chicken out. You can take her for a walk around the park and kiss in a comparatively secluded place. You can also stop for a break and kiss right after you drink water from your canteen. Many times, a lady would wish to share an indirect kiss. Since this can often be considered an indirect kiss, you are indirectly telling her that it's okay to share a glass because you'll be kissing every single other later in any case.

Step Three. Find a good position.

Positioning is extremely important. If you're not close enough, you may need to add another step to the process of kissing her. Rather than taking that extra step, make sure you're already in position before you even ask to kiss her.

You know you're in the best position if you're close enough to whisper in her ear. If there's an empty spot beside her, don't take the seat across hers. Test the waters. You can start by kissing her cheek. If she doesn't push you away, then you can find the confidence to kiss her lips next. Feel free to tilt her chin or stroke her hair.

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