Friday, December 9, 2011

Scholarship for Animal Lovers

By Abby S Martha

Do you really love animals so much you simply can't even bring yourself to eat them? Have you been around the front lines, fighting for animal rights? Would you protest animal testing and refuse to use products which have been tested on animals? Well, there's a generous scholarship in existence for you should you meet these and other criteria.

The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) is a nonprofit that spends its time educating people on vegetarianism and related health issues. The VRG survives mainly on donations and educates schools, physicians and dieticians while also developing healthy meal plans for children. VRG is a widely respected resource from the vegetarian community because of their great efforts targeted at advancing vegetarianism.

Because of some donations, the VRG is offering two $5000 scholarships to graduating students. To qualify, the students must have promoted vegetarianism in their schools and/or communities. Vegetarians are defined as those who don't eat meat, fish or fowl. Entries must be postmarked by February 20, 2012, and this scholarship currently is for young students graduating in 2012. Payment of this scholarship goes directly to the winner's school, there is going to be media attention surrounding this scholarship. Applicants may easily download a PDF from the VRG website to get started on their application.

You can find three major parts to the application. Part one is simply general information along with details about 'references' from others within the vegetarian movement. Your second part of the application is an essay that covers sixteen major points in regards to the applicant as well as their philosophies of life and vegetarianism. Academics will even play a role, and applicants are asked to add the past couple of years of report cards using application for the third portion. The last portion looks to be the 'proof' section, so together with the transcript or report cards, they must attach letters of recommendation and also any proof of vegetarianism promoting activities.

Who'd have thought you could get such a large scholarship determined by the foods you eat - or don't eat, for that matter. Vegetarianism has become a growing trend amongst young people in the United States and abroad in recent times. Due to this trend organizations such as VRG are stepping up to help educate the youth about the practice of vegetarianism. Scholarships are only one way that VRG gives back to the community. Educate vegetarian friends and have them visit the website for more detailed information.

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