Friday, December 9, 2011

Keeping The Relationship Cheap

By Dawn Philly

Christmas time is a wonderful time for most however there are many who wish the holiday season could just pass them by, or they themselves could find a holiday miracle that could hoist them into the holiday cheer. To have a good experience at Christmas time you need to dine out at restaurants with expensive food, give gifts to anyone you have ever met, and have a gazillion friends- this is what brings all the cheer in the first place right?

Ok, so this might seem a bit out there for some, but I have a girlfriend and she seems to always be shopping for another reminder that they are in a relationship- the poor guy she is dating better catch on real quick that she expects the same in return (gifts that is) or he won't last long in her world. So sad I think, she is missing the real meaning of a "relationship".

Gradually he might figure it out but will she lose interest by then, who knows, what I know for sure is that any relationship based on material items is water in a bucket with a hole- it will eventually drain the relationship.

So what is her boyfriend supposed to do---well that's for him to decide but for you and me we can right now make the decision to base relationships on trust, making memories together, sharing in each others hopes and dreams- no I do not work for Disney, it just seems to me that the simple things in life are usually the most precious.

If you think just saying no is enough well it might not be, make a list of all the people you want to send holiday cheer to and think what would really make them happy- a homemade card, cookies, time alone, maybe there is a service you can provide such as babysitting their children for a couple of hours. Some people could use a little cleaning, especially at this time of year. Really do some research and find out what would bring your family and friends the most joy that doest cost money.

Make it a delicious day-make their favorite meals, adding a special touch of holiday cheer with their favorite dessert. From drinks to appetizers, to desserts you could do a whole day of cooking with just them in mind. Buying groceries doesn't have to be expensive, plan a menu on a budget and shop the ads- around Christmas time there are many festive foods on sale, just have fun with it.

You can pretend to care but you can not pretend to be there, so let your feelings take and walk and really share how you feel about the special relationship you have. With careful planning and not going to extremes you can give the perfect gift this season- You.

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