Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Begin Learning Japanese

By Emma Johnson

Most people think that learning Japanese is very difficult. It is not easy, especially for speakers of Western languages who are not accustomed to the subtleties and almost musical quality of Japanese. It is, however, a rich and fascinating language and you will eventually become used to its rules. Many people are afraid to learn Japanese, thinking that it will just be too difficult. Learning languages is a natural human ability, one that we all share! It is only necessary to put forth a certain amount of time and effort. There's no reason why you can't become fluent in Japanese if you are willing to give it your best effort. Here are some tricks you can use to make the process just a little bit easier on yourself.

To really learn a language like Japanese, you need to really be around it. If you can afford it, take a trip to Japan and let yourself wander without a translator. You might find that you understand more than you think you do. This is the best way for many people to completely immerse themselves in Japanese. When you are in another country, you find yourself picking up the language naturally, in your everyday activities. If you cannot afford to travel to another country, try finding a neighborhood in which Japanese is the primary language. Still another way to get familiar with the language is to only watch movies and programs in Japanese for several weeks, without the aid of subtitles. Doing this will enable you to learn lots of Japanese vocabulary in a short time.

Another good habit to get into is reading Manga. Manga are graphic novels written in Japanese (and some are translated to other languages as well) Reading Manga can be a very good way to start developing reading comprehension skills in Japanese. Reading will get you accustomed to all of the characters and the way they are used in sentences; you will also have to get comfortable with reading from the back of the book to the front, and from right to left on the page. The translation into your language will also teach you about popular speech and slang. You can learn the more formal aspects of the language from a class, but it's also good to keep up with what's popular in Japan today! Keep in mind when you look for Manga that these are often quite explicit!

Look for movies that were originally released in your language that are now also in Japanese. You will understand a lot of what is being said in Japanese because you have heard it before and will remember some of the lines. When you start with something you already know in your own language you already have some comprehension of what is being said, so matching up the words from your language to their Japanese translations shouldn't be too difficult. After a while, you can begin to watch movies that are originally Japanese; this will be harder, but it's good practice.

There is no shortage of tricks and helpful tools to make learning a language easier. What you have to do is create your own personalized learning program. What you want to keep in mind is that you are capable of learning Japanese. You can even become fluent one day if you just learn a little more every day!

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