Monday, December 5, 2011

Use Humor to Get Girls

By Chris Miller

You've heard it said before. A woman is sure to become attracted to guys who can make them laugh. If you are funny, you've got the advantage over other guys when it comes to seducing ladies. You'll be surrounded by all the women in any party you attend. Then, what's stopping you from using humor to draw in women?

But a humor is not an inherent thing. Some men don't get what makes something funny. Let me tell you this: different men tell jokes in a different way. Some jokes work for others because they have the suitable temperament for it. Some men can make any tasteless joke seem funny.

Being hilarious is a skill you have to develop on your own. You have to cultivate your own style. Mimicking how Seinfeld would do it is not enough. If you do not have the fundamentals of being funny, then each and every joke would seem canned and clichd.

Listed here are some tips.

1. Your Funny Bone

Cultivating your funny bone means you don't have to take yourself too seriously. Laugh at your misfortunes and find humor in everything that happens to you. If you often get frustrated about your insecurities, you take yourself too seriously. When you get laughed at in an even-tempered manner, laugh along. Malicious comments are different from good-natured jibes. Don't take it personal when someone makes fun of you. If a person is really attempting to piss you off, then he's the one with a problem. Relax.

When you're loosening up, it helps to watch hilarious video clips. Funny videos are all over the net so make sure you check them out. The things people find hilarious may give you an idea on what's really amusing. Doing this will help you unwind, so being humorous is good for you too.

2. Conventional Jokes

Your delivery approach is supposed to be unique, but that doesn't mean the joke should be original as well. As a matter of fact, you can build your material around canned jokes. Stand up comedians use canned jokes all the time, but with variations. Watch how comedians infuse their persona into jokes. It's your delivery that counts.

3. Correct Timing

If you want to make girls smile, your timing must be great. It may seem like any time is a good time to crack a joke or make a woman smile, but you also have to rely on gut feel to make it happen. Jokes are not the only things you can use. You can make fun of yourself or her in a good-natured manner. By doing this, you're telling her that it's ok for her to make fun of you too. When everyone is happy, and it seems that things are going well, you can keep the mood going by telling a joke.

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