Monday, December 5, 2011

Improving Careers By Getting More Connections On LinkedIn

By Ronnie Smith

People are patronizing the technologically enhanced computer based means of communication. The plus side is the fact that these means aren't only used for communicating but for information sharing and entertainment provision as well. This resulted in the sprouting of many networking sites promising so many things. One site consistently gaining popularity is Linked In. Here are some facts necessary for getting more connections on LinkedIn.

Networking sites have their own propaganda. Some feature famous icons as users that can be accessed by the masses, like Twitter. Some also aim to increase in user networking, like Facebook. Unlike the previously mentioned sites, Linked In aims to network individuals for potential business related endeavors, like job hunting, business partnering, franchising, online business, etc.

Though the processes involved in the site may seem complicated, it is actually incredibly user friendly. The main premise here is connection. Users can make use of a contact network which is made up of their connection as well as their second and third degree connection. With Linked In, better connection means better opportunities. There are many ways to increase connection on the site.

One thing you can do is develop your accessibility. By connecting with a lot of people, you'll have a better chance of being contacted. It would help to refer to your second degree connection and third degree connection. Add them to your list to gain additional contacts.

Two, you can also resort to improving your profile. Fill it up as if you were the CEO of a company or an experienced professional. Do it expertly and strategically, use formal words and apply appropriate verbose. Include in your profile your affiliations, education and present and previous work experiences. In short, advertise yourself.

Three is improving on your page rank at Google. Because Google is currently the most widely used SEO, it would be better to start there. How can you improve your page rank? By simply increasing on your credibility with sources and links.

Fourth is to advertise yourself. No, you're not seeing double. Advertising yourself is repeated because it is crucial. Post links on your blog or website and connect it to your linked in account. This will show people that you have other activities in the Web which will increase your chances of being considered.

You can also consult with Linked In Answers for tips on getting more connections on LinkedIn. There are tons of ways to improve professional career which are assisted by computer mediated communications.

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