Thursday, December 8, 2011

Get a Girlfriend Fast

By Chris Miller

While there are other men that have multiple girls they go out with, some men wish they could come close to having a girl beside them. As a matter of fact, there are some decent guys who really cannot find a girlfriend. Is there a seduction secret that some of the men know about? Is there such a thing as a natural playboy? Are they born with the charm that could turn girls on immediately? Depending on who you ask, the responses to these questions will differ.

But one thing's guaranteed: if you put effort into learning how to get a girl fast, you can enjoy the dating life that you have always wanted. Therefore, I'm saying that each and every guy has the potential to attract ladies if they know a few things about what turns girls on.

Listed here are some suggestions to get a girlfriend fast.

Be The Man All ladies Want to Eat Up

When girls look at you, they should like what they see. You don't need to look like a movie star to pull this off. In reality, you may know of some ugly men who know how to get a girlfriend quick . What gives? Why are men less charming compared to you getting girls. It must be luck. When a bald fat guy hooks up with a girl, you end up amazed at how he did it. What's the secret to being mouth-watering?

Fashion sense. In short, never wear ill-fitting clothes or those that clash with your color. Clothes that fit you best should be worn when you're out with girls. Pay mind to colors that clash. Good clothes are not always expensive. After all, brand is not significant, but your fashion sense is.

Smell good. Although a girl has no idea that you wear the same clothing without bathing, she can smell the truth. She can see the oily film on your pores and skin, and she can smell the sweat. When a girl gets close enough to smell your breath, you can bet that she is just a heartbeat away from kissing you. Proper hygiene is essential in dating.

Improve Your Conversation

Don't deepen your voice or try to talk like your favorite actor. Why try to take on a conversational style that belongs to a different man when you can develop your own? Just make sure you remember the way a talk goes. You share a story that compels her to listen and share one herself.

The opener should not be the main focus. The opener is just the appetizer to the main meal (conversation) after all. An opener must be used to catch a girl's attention. Nevertheless, you should remember that the meat of your talk with a girl includes your style and your stories.

Learn to Read Body Language

A woman's body language should provide you with clues about her feelings for you. Lack of enthusiasm or a potential rejection will show in her actions. Body language signals are indicators of attraction. If she's touchy feely with you, or she touches her hair, neck or neck while you are talking, she could be attracted. She also tends to lick her lips in a subtle way when you're flirting with her.

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