Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting Started With Losing Weight

By Russ Howe

As a gym instructor, over the last five years I have seen many people try to lose weight. Most pick up the latest celebrity diet plan or try to lose weight quickly for a special event such as a wedding and as a result of their need for a 'quick fix' gimmick, they fail.

Here are a few very basic and easy to follow rules which will help anybody to drop some unwanted poundage from their waistline.

* Okay first of all if you are trying to cut weight you need to consume less calories than you do now. Sounds simple, right? That's the basic rule. If you're not sure how many calories you currently eat per day keep a food diary for the next two days and develop an average between the two days consumption.

* Protein is great for weight loss, that's a fact. If you snack throughout your day time then you need to stock up on protein rich foods. These come in the shape of fish, chicken, protein shakes and a whole ton of other options. The fact is when you eat protein you store way less fat than when you consume carbohydrates or fatty foods. Use that to your, and your hunger's, advantage.

* Third we look at convenience snacks. Most people fall off the 'wagon' when they are at work without food and can see the vending machine in all it's glory staring them down all day. Take some small tubs to work, pack them with a healthy protein rich snack and you will be amazed how much weight this will take off you over the course of a couple of weeks.

* When you lose weight you want to ensure it's bad weight which is coming off, i.e. you want to be losing fat not muscle. Even if you're a lady and have no intention to look like a bodybuilder, you do not want to be burning off muscle tissue. So when you drop your carbs down to lose weight like most dieters do, be sure to increase your protein intake. This will prevent your body from burning muscle and ensure you are only losing unwanted fat.

* Taking a day off at the end of each week, or two weeks if you are particularly focused, is a massive plus for anyone in their quest to diet effectively for the long-term. Remember these tips are not about a ridiculous quick fix but will actually help you to change your life, so anything which helps you to prolong the effort is a great thing.

With a day off thrown into the mix your body has a chance to take a break from eating a strict diet regime and allow itself the chance to remember why you called your favorite junk food snacks 'treats' in the first place. There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a reward for a great week, the extra calories will not make a jot of difference when offset against the good work you have done for the last seven days and this actually helps you to remain on the straight and narrow.

The fact is that day off gives you something to aim for during a tough week, too. If you are new to weight loss and are struggling to get through a difficult, testing week sometimes just having that light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to is more than enough to help you stay on track to reach your goals.

Nobody we ever meet in the gym says they want to lose weight without following it up with the fact that they also want the weight to stay off forever. We've all known a yo-yo dieter and the terrible things they do to their body every three months or so is definitely not something most people want to follow. These steps will help you not only to lose the initial weight you're after, but they will also ensure it stays off for good.

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