Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

By Diana Lensbury

If you're like most people you've seen an increase in the size of clothes you wear, especially if you're over 40. Below are a few weight loss tips for women over 40 and beyond. Just remember, every one's metabolism is different, so in reality you'll have to tailor any type of program to fit your individual weight issue and lifestyle.

There's a good chance you gained weight without noticing it until it was suddenly a health issue. And even worse, the older you are, the harder it is to lose it. While you may be eating the same and getting the same exercise, it just doesn't seem to work anymore.

Usually, it kinda sneaked up on you one pound at a time. As you aged you gained a few, probably in the winter months, then lost most of it throughout the spring and summer. Then there was just another pound or two to lose when winter came again. Unfortunately, it all added up, and those last couple of pounds are harder to lose than any other.

This time you have a real reason but unfortunately that doesn't change the issue. Most of the time it's your aging metabolism's fault. Just like everything else, it's slowed down. This means a bit of extra effort is going to be required to stay healthy. You might need to change your diet a bit and of course, exercise a bit more as well.

This may mean you'll want to lean towards a fresher diet or eat more fresh foods. One of the reasons besides just being a healthy diet is that fresh foods are processed easier by your digestive tract. A healthy digestive tract really does aid weight loss, as long as it's moving normally you'll find the pounds are easier to lose.

You will need to add a bit more activity to your schedule. It doesn't mean killing yourself at the club, but it does mean adding a few extra minutes a day. If that won't fit in your busy schedule, then take the time to get it elsewhere. Try walking a bit faster, sitting down less, and even parking your vehicle further away.

As long as you've accepted that your metabolism has aged just like everything else, you'll be fine. Spend more time getting rid of that winter weight each spring and look to a fresher diet and a bit more exercise to make it easier. Just don't let it all sneak up on you, it's harder to lose if it does. While you do have a reason, it really doesn't make any difference when it comes to your health.

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