Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Forgiving Others - Experiencing a Lifetime of Freedom

By Burton Rager

Is forgiving others for their wrong towards you straightforward? For many of us actually forgiving someone that has hurt us is extremely difficult, particularly if they've not asked for clemency. Yet it is what God needs and it will have an effect on your life. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for each of us and His expiration and resurrection makes our offering of absolution straightforward.

An example in my life that happened some years ago is when a business partner hurt my wife and me very intensely. Below are parts of emails that were sent.

My E-mail to My Business Partner

I pray you do well. I would like to share where God has taken me in this journey. Ever since our meeting at your home I can't say I have been at peace. The impact of that meeting has led to antagonism on my part towards you. God has reminded me that he calls all his youngsters to like one another and I'm terrified I have failed. My thoughts have not brought Him glory. Every other Monday night we have a prayer group at our place. Tonight somebody read Ephesians 4:1-6 and I am reasonably certain God intended those words for me.

As a prisoner of the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be totally humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with each other in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit thru the bond of peace. There's one body and one spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

As I sat there letting that verse run thru my mind I thought of the following verses:

For if you pardon men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you don't forgive men their sins, your Father won't forgive your sins.

Matthew 6:14-15

I recalled a Bible study video where a business man assisted his rival in fixing a reoccurring product problem. His selflessness with his willingness to help his rival sell more products and his devotion to honor God had an effect on my life. My wish is to respect God and bring Him glory in my actions towards you. I am willing and am enthusiastic not only to offer you the sites and additionally to help you point them to any sites you want. I ask nothing in exchange.

Partner's Email Reply

Thanks for your requests, humility and forgiveness. I want to take you up on your free handed offer.

God's Desire

All though your life, others could hurt you. It may be no fault of your own. Your pain might be the result of another person's sin or it may be Devil using that person to damage you or a mixture of both.

When you're hurt, you need the other to admit they have done wrong, to claim I'm sorry, and to ask for clemency. Often times an admission of guilt doesn't come. If there is no access, you might need to take the matter into your own hands. What would God would like you to do? My want was simply to revere Him and let Him worry about the end result. Think about this, I could either surrender to my natural thoughts or surrender to His will. This is a place where big joy and peace can enter your life if you handle it God's way.

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