Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Delicate Way to Use NLP to Persuade Others

By David Ferrers

When I brought up the subject of NLP techniques to a client I was coaching just last week he all but threw up his hands in horror and said: "That's about influencing other people. I don't really want to do that."

For an individual who runs an enormous team it was rather curious that he didn't show a more open mind about learning influencing abilities. However But then again, it depends what you mean by influencing. If your perspective is that to influence you need to get someone out of their mind, out of control, and then make them do something they do not want to do, then I am on your side and against that kind of influencing, if indeed it's actually possible.

Perhaps I should refer here to one of my best loved sayings from ex-USA President Dwight D. Eisenhower: "Leadership is the art of getting another person to do something that you want done because he wants to do it."

That type of leadership, to get someone else to do things because they want to do them, requires persuasion and influence. It is in the creation of that sort of influence that NLP can be very helpful, when used properly.

When we discuss influencing in NLP we are talking about the subtle use of language and body language to form a sense of empathy within our audience so that they will feel comfortable with the message we are delivering.

In my next article I will tell you more about the ways that you can subtly influence others simply by understanding their thinking patterns.

If this article has aroused your interest to discover more I would like to suggest you get in touch with a professional NLP Practitioner to discover more, or go on an NLP introduction course, or read one of many books on NLP that are available from Amazon and book stores around the world. The multitude of books on this subject demonstrate clearly that NLP works.

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