Friday, January 20, 2012

Increase Your Business Advantage - Use Self-Improvement To Boost Your Results

By Honomichi Hatsuyama Xavier

Many people do not automatically associate great business achievements with self improvement. In truth, there are not many people who already have all the success traits that they will need to build and run a thriving business. It doesn't matter how smart you are or what your capabilities are, you will still run into hurdles. Although, again and again, we let our thoughts become blocks to our business success. If you spend most of your thoughts on thinking you will probably not succeed, than that will be your reality. Your mind manifests whatever thoughts and desires you think about most frequently. Below are some things to think about in the area of self-improvement that will help make your company lucrative.

There isn't a person alive who doesn't have some area of their life that needs improvement. However it is the truly courageous person who actively engages in self improvement. The first thing, which isn't easy, is to recognize that you have behaviors that could be changed for the better, or areas that you are deficient in, or even faults. But if you want to have a successful business, you need to face up to what has to be done to get past the barriers to your success and ultimately realize your dream life.

Don't lock yourself in to just doing what you feel comfortable with, even if this has always been your modus operandi. In order to be successful, you have to move forward and learn to do different things that might not be comfortable at first. A comfort zone is pleasant, but you have to overcome your difficulty operating outside your normal routines. But do not feel all alone on this one because there are many people who have this same issue. Honestly realize that you are going to have to face, and overcome, different scenarios that will not be normal for you. If you really give it some thought, you will be able to identify your anxiety triggers and comfort areas. Take it small steps one by one and you will find it easier to tackle this problem. Don't try to do everything at once. Don't pick the most intimidating thing to tackle at the beginning. Begin with something that is just a little bit challenging. Keep trying until you have successfully completed the first hurdle and then progress to the next one with more confidence. For those of us who hire freelancers, there are often issues that relate to being able to put our trust in that person. This can be a real issue if you are trying to expand your online business. The key thought here is to take a look at your self and discern if the issue extends outside of business. If so, then there is no doubt that you can improve your business experience by dealing with this on a personal level. As always, try moving into it just a little at a time. You could just work on the origin of the mistrust, or you can face it with small outsource tasks so you can face it and work to improve. The more you face this and work with it, the more likely you are to overcome it.

The thing about personal issues is they will cause issues all around and not just in business. People who constantly find fault with themselves do so in all areas of life. Just as another example, take a look at authors and other kinds of writing. But generally speaking, this behavior will often be seen with a perfectionist attitude. It does seem to us that this particular way of being is something that is not born in us. As always, the path to making positive changes will need to begin with admitting that change needs to happen. Silence that inner voice that is constantly criticizing all you do. This cannot be changed overnight, and so just decide to work on it until you realize progress has been made.

It only makes sense that applying self-improvement techniques to both your personal life and your business is the wise thing to do. Also, it is important and interesting to note that very many business owners avoid doing it. This isn't true of everyone, of course, but the general consensus is that those who are extremely successful in business have learned the rewards of self-improvement personally and for their business.

Lots of people find that writing a book might help enormously in the area of personal development. And with numerous self publishing businesses around today, it's easier than ever. Why don't you get going right now?

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