Sunday, January 15, 2012

Seven Effective Guidelines for How to Work Out Lower Abs

By Kente Wallman

How to work out lower abs to get it firm and tight is something that many of us desire, but only few have really in fact ever succeed. Getting six packs abs carries not only a challenge but also the expertise on how to properly execute the routines. In particular the lower abdominal region is especially difficult to work at. But if you know exactly what exercise to complete, and how to effectively perform them then it's possible to get the abs that you have always wanted. Here are seven (7) practical exercises that have been proven to effectively work on your abdominal muscles.

1. Leg Raises. Lay flat on your back and place your hands under your tailbone to cushion it. Then lift your legs while keeping your feet together to place a strain on your lower abdominal muscles. While doing this exercise you should never lift your legs to the point where the strain stops, and you should never allow your feet to rest on the floor. When properly executed, leg raises place a series of constant tightness recurring on the lower abdominal muscles.

2. Hanging Knee Raises. While hanging from a pull-up bar, pull your knees up toward your chest. Pull your knees as close to your chest as you can, and avoid lowering your legs to the point where your abs have a chance to rest. Using a harness to support your body weight while you do this exercise will be useful.

3. Sitting Knee Raises. While sitting on the edge of a bench or chair, pull your knees up toward your chest. It's important to keep your neck and back straight in the course of this exercise so that you can get the maximum result.

4. Rest. Just like any other muscle group in your body, your abdominal muscles need rest in order to get stronger throughout the duration of your routines. You wouldn't bench press every day so you definitely shouldn't train your abs every day either. At the very least, coaching session of three to four times a week needs a one day off in between training days; to give your abs the time they need to recuperate which in return will give you better results.

5. Resistance training. In order to really show the results of the intense abdominal work out that you are doing, you need to trim down your body fat. Involving yourself in resistance training which has the emphasis on less excess weights and repetition, will help you build toned muscles and lower body fat.

6. Aerobic coaching. Much like resistance training, aerobic exercises are a key element of cutting down body fat which will enable your abs to show. By employing intense aerobic training together with your ab exercises you will enjoy the best and desirable results that you really want.

7. Diet. The last and perhaps the most important aspect of any fitness program is diet. When getting six packs is your goal in mind, then diet is necessary. A diet that fit this description really needs to be very high in lean proteins, with low levels of fats and carbohydrates. You can spend hours in the gym, but if you are feeding your body with unhealthy foods then won't get the optimum results of your work out.

A flat belly or a six pack abs is challenging. Take these tips with you and follow these 7 effective routines on how to work out your abs and you don't have to take the guess work out of how to get the results that you want.

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