Saturday, September 3, 2011

Spiritual Life Coaching - Healing the Emotional Pain-Body

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

As the egoic mind begins to identify with a sense of self that is emotionally arrested in childhood, the pain-body energy will intensify. This trauma gets continually re-triggered every single time the pain-body begins to justify its existence by identifying with its wounded self. It's as if the pain-body says, "I have been hurt by others and therefore I deserve to be angry."

And so the pain-body is an energy field that re-experiences itself through negative emotions such as victimization, oppression, and a deep-seated, subconscious fear of impending doom. These feelings get reinforced by the situations that reoccur as a result of the pain-body's ability to attract to it its own like energy. A typical pain-body host will consistently relive the very same emotions that became blocked during the forming of its childhood primal wound. In simpler words, these hosts are emotionally stuck in their distant past.

So the next step after you identify the childhood trauma is to work toward getting yourself "unstuck." Now, as you bring in the power of presence and bring in a higher awareness into the pain-body, it can no longer trick you into completely identifying with it. When you can observe the pain-body arising you will want to practice recognizing it as a separate entity, a separate energy field. You will see it as being not who you are. That is the beginning of your liberation from it.

Recognizing the pain-body when it surfaces in whatever form is key. With some, the pain-body displays a more active, aggressive-like pain, in other persons it is a passive form of victim-like pain such as in those with a "Poor Me Syndrome." There may be a tenseness or constriction in the muscles and so you become aware of that. Or there may be a burning or tightness in the solar plexus or abdomen. Some may become consumed with rage is if they're whole body was set on fire.

We are not fighting the pain-body or trying to eliminate it. That will only empower it. It tried fighting my pain-body for years by "attacking it" with a variety of diets, treatments, an enduring a series of physiological and psychological examinations, all in a desperate attempt to "get rid of" my chronic illness. But resistance the pain didn't work. My pain-body didn't begin to dissolve until I completely surrendered to it. It's as if you say, "Well, this is the way it is. And therefore I honor and respect that." Only by practicing the power of presence can you successfully bring an end to the pain-body.

So by becoming a silent witness to the pain as it begins to take over your body, you are already beginning to transcend it and work toward its dissolution. Working in one-on-one sessions with an online spiritual life coach can be very helpful for you as you allow your pain-body to dissolve on its own volition by becoming aware of it as it resurfaces.

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