Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fast Learning Techniques Using Visual Aids

By Sam Roxas

If you know you're a visible learner and you want to use this information for your speed learning lessons and to beat different speed learning techniques, then you will want to read this article. Especially, we are going to discuss three speed learning techniques that is perfect for visual learners.

Now, it is critical to note than regardless of if these speed learning strategies make use of visual aids [*COMMA] these systems may also be utilized by people who don't have a visible learning character.

The beauty about visual aids as a speed learning strategy is that it actually makes use of a person's creativeness. Therefore, making the right brain stronger and more active.


My opinion is that you have heard about mindmapping or brain mapping. There are some brain maps or mind maps software that you can download freely online. These are a lot like making flow charts and graphs.

With mindmapping, you'd be able to visually see the relations between certain concepts- which makes learning and understanding simpler for you.


Semiotics is the science of learning signs and symbols. If you have read or observed Dan Brown novels, you would know the lead character, Robert Langdon studies semiotics. Naturally, I'm really not telling you to go and get a degree in semiotics.

You can actually make up your own symbols or signs to make the recording of information inside your grey matter way easier and effective. Apart from that, you get to individualize your learning too!

Info Design

Information design is essentially a lot like Mindmapping but the difference of it is that you get to create a structure for each info that you are learning. Check out Info Aesthetics for more in-depth info on this speed learning strategy.

There are numerous speed learning systems out there today. Naturally, your best chance to find the best techniques is to enrol yourself in a speed learning online course. Then again, these courses can be costly so if you are unable to afford that now, use all the different sites, programs and application that can show you the best speed learning methods.

It is critical to establish first what your learning personality is or what your rhythm is to be sure that you'll be finding and using the best speed learning techniques for yourself.

Speed learning is one of the finest methods to get ahead in life. But it isn't easy- you must be creative and meticulous in finding only the best techniques and styles to fully enjoy its advantages. So always be cautious in checking out different speed learning systems.

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