Sunday, September 4, 2011

Four Reasons to Go Back to College

By Julie Clark Robinson

It's never too late to rethink your career path. If you find yourself hating your time at work or simply wishing that you could provide a better income for your family's needs, perhaps it's time to consider getting some more education. Whether you go back to college in the traditional sense or look into one of the many online colleges, there's no time like the present to get started. Here's why:

1. An increased sense of fulfillment. Who wants to waste precious time coasting? If you feel that you've hit a wall at your current job, going back to college will give you a new goal and purpose in life. Working hard and getting good grades would go a long way towards raising your self esteem. A better outlook will be your first benefit, but there will be more along the way to be sure.

2. Job opportunities will open up. Even if you intend on keeping the same job, earning a degree could help you advance. You could find yourself eligible for management openings or receiving calls from employment agencies looking to fill positions in other companies in the same industry. For your troubles, you'll benefit from a higher paycheck. The 2004 U.S. Census Bureau reports that employees with a college degree earned over $51,000 compared to the income of under $28,000 of those with only a high school diploma. Why not ask your employer if they reimburse higher learning courses?

3. Peace on the home front. Imagine coming home from work feeling fulfilled and rewarded after spending the day doing what you enjoy. Your marriage would likely benefit, as would your relationships with your children and friends. A college degree, regardless of whether you attend an online college or a traditional university, is the beginning of a better future for you and your family.

4. Be a good role model. Children of people with higher education tend to grow up and get higher education as well. Especially when the children see their parents strive for a goal this might not be easy to reach while trying to raise a family and hold down a full-time job. By going back to college, you'll be demonstrating what it's like to work hard for a better life.

These days, more than half of the students in universities and online colleges are non-traditional students. In other words, they are over 25. Some are senior citizens who want to find work in retirement and others are empty nesters who are looking for fulfilling work now that their children are gone. Regardless of your stage in life, there's no such thing as too much education.

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