Saturday, September 10, 2011

Your Mind Is Like A Garden - It Can Grow Weeds!

By Amy Norman

I'm sure a lot of you have a vegetable garden where you grow the food your family eats. You plant them from seeds or seedlings and give them everything they need in order to grow and thrive. You water them, fertilize them, expose them to the sun's rays. After several months they grow to be big and strong. You excitedly dash to the garden, pick them and place them in a basket, and think to yourself, "boy, these veggies look so delicious I can taste them now!

So you've got a vegetable garden, right, but you don't maintain it - anybody care to tell me what happens next? Weeds - DUHHHH! You better believe it, buddy, you're going to have a garden filled with awful, disgusting, yucky weeds. And when those vegetables fail to thrive in a healthful environment, they wilt away, they die, and if they survive, even a hobo would rather go dumpster diving for food than eat your veggies!

Your garden is like your mind. Hearken back to your childhood days, when your parents taught you and brought you up right. We had our parents to help us become confident, well-mannered and well-educated, and keep us away from the negative forces of the world.

It actually makes me sad to think about what happens next. You get exposed to figurative weeds. Just like your garden. Bad influences in your life sometimes become planted as bad habits. And they can influence us to smoke, drink, take drugs, come home late at night, eat an unhealthy diet, be temperamental, obstinate, lazy, the whole works. These bad habits are like weeds - our mind is vulnerable to them as they keep growing.

Given all of the negative influences above, you may believe that the crow has a better chance of turning white than you do of changing bad habits. Well, this is not the case. Your mind can make a difference. Your attitudes and beliefs can play a large part in influencing how you act, so you always want to think old habits are easy to break. Believe in yourself if you really want to make a change for the better.

Reboot your mind and you will soon find yourself quitting those vices, avoiding the wrong crowd you run with and ridding yourself of all those "weeds." The unconscious labels we have created for ourselves are changed releasing us from our old behavior patterns or habits. It is a refreshing feeling to be rid of the old labels that once had bound us so tightly, and it feels great to be accomplishing something positive in life.

Imagine the feeling of noshing on a big, juicy slice of Ferrari red tomato - great, isn't it - that's exactly how you will feel when any thoughts and actions you disliked are replaced with positive, productive ones.

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