Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Simple Cure For Anxiety And Depression

By Marianne R. Brown

Our innate desire is to be happy, and when we move away from it, we experience fear.This fear is actually millions of years old, for it arises from the biological programming of our species.While we may not have to contend with a sabre-toothed tiger on any given day, we still use those very reactions to deal with events looming ahead.We think, "Will I be fired for making that mistake at work?" or "Will I be able to meet the mortgage after I fix the car?" or "Will my health continue to decline?" or "Will my relationship fall apart after that argument we just fell into?"Running questions with this type of urgency and helplessness trains our brains to prepare now for future danger by loading our bodies up with the stress hormone cortisol.Anxiety is our anticipation of a dangerous future. We imagine having even less of the little that we have today.

Firstly, let's discuss what homeopathy actually is so you have a clear understanding of the treatments discussed below. Homeopathy is a particular system of medicine that treats a person with highly diluted substances, typically in tablet form, it is believed this will trigger the body's natural healing system. Based on symptoms, a homeopath will choose the appropriate medicine for that patient. The dosages are prepared by pharmacies that specialize in homeopathy and vary in potency which allows for specific treatment plans for each individual.The first step of treating anxiety with homeopathic remedies is to determine which type of anxiety you are suffering from. Four types and their homeopathic remedies are outlined below.

In order to feel more calm though, there are some remedies that are herbal that have been a great help to a lot of individuals. Some remedies like Passionflower can be ingested in a variety of ways, which produce a feeling of relaxation for many people. Some herbs even help with insomnia and stomach problems which can flare up during times of acute stress.You have to be careful when you take herbs or supplements like these though, because they can cause some unwanted side-effects. As with any medication, always consult your doctor before taking anything new to be on the safe side.As an anxiety sufferer, you have a few things that you can do that can do to try to get through your anxiety without becoming dependent on some pill that you end up becoming addicted to, which never helped you in the first place.As a Homeopath, I deal with a large number of clients (adults and children) suffering from anxiety. So, I'm writing this article to give you, the reader, information about homeopathic medicine, and also to give you information about which remedy may be useful for your anxiety. The correct homeopathic remedy can cure anxiety swiftly and painlessly.

An interesting thing happened when I made my unconscious behavior conscious. I could not take my mood shifts seriously.This is what I learned from that experience: when you are able to observe yourself over the course of a few weeks, you develop a curious detachment.A paradoxical situation developed for me: I found it difficult to stay anxious and depressed when I was observing myself feeling anxious and depressed.Ultimately, anxiety and depression are culturally-induced patterns of thinking that can be overcome through a deliberate cultivation of awareness. When you become your own observer, you weed out the unconscious habits that afflict you.

There are various intensities of anxiety ranging from the mild natural anxiety felt when facing a new situation right up to the horror of a full-blown panic attack. People suffering from emotional pain will tell you that they would far rather suffer a physical pain than the agony of anxiety or depression. Symptoms of anxiety can include rapid heartbeat and breathing, shaking, nausea, sweating, muffled hearing, feeling faint, great fear, desire to escape. People who suffer panic attacks will tell you that the sensation of panic can be so dramatic they feel as if they are going to die.

What is the ADHD and anxiety connection? How can homeopathic remedies for anxiety help with ADHD? Let us take the diagnostic view first. When children are diagnosed with ADHD, they are more than likely to suffer from a co-morbid disorder. As if ADHD was not enough.In an About Our Kids survey, it was found that up to 25% of children with ADHD also suffer from anxiety. The same figure holds for those diagnosed with anxiety in that ADHD is going to occur in about a quarter of the children.

What are the main co-morbid disorders? The first one is anxiety and depression. The second most common one is oppositional defiance disorder (ODD) followed closely by OCD. The latter stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.Actually, OCD is very closely related to anxiety because this is where the child becomes over anxious about things that may harm, frighten or dirty his environment. He becomes obsessed with these and will perform repetitive rituals or compulsions in order to protect himself from these. Somebody has appropriately called this disorder an overactive alarm system.

This avoidance, which is totally understandable, can gather momentum at break neck speed, especially when panic attacks are involved, because the sufferer will then start becoming anxious about having to face their anxiety! Fear of fear itself! As stated earlier, our perception is the key to this. Any feeling we experience, good or bad, is not created by our experience in that moment. The meaning we place on that experience creates the feeling. This is where our power lies. One way of gradually chipping away at anxiety is to be aware of and challenge our thoughts. Every thought produces an emotional and physiological response. You will therefore be able to gauge the quality of your thoughts by the way you are currently feeling. If you decide to use homeopathic remedies to cure your anxiety, before starting treatment, rate your anxiety level from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest level). This will help you see the great progress you are making during treatment if your cure is not swift and dramatic. Everyone is different and will heal at their own pace.

Applied relaxation treatment - This anxiety remedy aims to help people relax or practice relaxation techniques whenever they are faced with anxiety-inducing situations. One of the main aims of this therapy is to help you relax or loosen your muscles when you start to feel anxious. Breathing techniques or using words such as "relax" are examples of the applied relaxation treatment.

The ingredients used are those famous ones such as hyoscyamus, arsen iod and tuberculinum. The great thing about these remedies is that there are no side effects so that sleep problems and eating disorders just do not exist. That is such a relief for many parents. There are no health risks or long term doubts about what these reparations are doing to the developing child's brain.

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