Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to Improve Credit Score - A Checklist

By Gerda J. Worth

If your credit score needs a boost, you can rebuild it without professional help as you already know that Report is the main important thing which affects Your Score. Learn what you can do today to improve your score? Paying off your installment loans (mortgage, auto, student, etc.) can help your scores but typically not as dramatically as paying down -- or paying off -- revolving accounts.

Request your free copy of your current credit report. Federal law mandates that every person is entitled to one free copy of their report from each of the three major FICO reporting agencies each year. Everyone should take advantage of this and stay current with all of the items on your FICO report. This way you can be proactive and quickly remove any inaccuracies (which occur more often than you might think).Get a credit repair guide and read through it to get an overview of the process of repairing your FICO score. There are several guides available, and one in particular called "Credit Secrets Bible" is the most popular one. It is written by an expert in the credit repair business. It gives you step-by-step instructions for how to go about analyzing your report and expediting improvements in your score.

Avoid companies that make promises of improving your credit score for a fee. There is nothing that these companies can do that you can't do yourself as long as you have the proper knowledge. This knowledge is easily obtained by using a guidebook such as the "Credit Secrets Bible" guidebook mentioned above. The vast majority of companies that claim they will improve your credit score by a certain amount basically are preying on individuals who either don't want to invest the time and effort to improve their score or think they have no choice because the system is overly complicated and they would never be able to understand it and navigate through it. Both of these are erroneous assumptions.

Pay Down High Balances.Just because you have a credit limit in the thousands of dollars doesn't mean that you should run it up to the max. If you are carrying credit cards with balances approaching the credit limit you need to start making higher-than-minimum payments in order to get those balances down. High credit card balances are a detriment to your credit rating and the reason is obvious. If you have too many high balances you are at risk of defaulting should some negative event such as a job loss happen to you.

Use more than one type of credit account. A combination of installment loans (car payments) and revolving credit accounts show your ability to manage different types of credit.stop applying for loans. New credit inquiries (hard pulls) can have an impact on your credit score. A hard pull is when a potential creditor evaluates your credit report for a loan and, in some cases, a savings account. Hard pulls remain on your credit report and can lower your credit score five points for up to six months, according to Soft pulls do not affect your credit score; card solicitations and some mortgage loan pre-approvals are examples of soft inquiries. Get a Free Copy of Your Credit Report

If you are someone who is faced with a bad credit and find yourself unable to be considered credit worthy, it is time you repair your bad credit. A bad credit rating can affect the possibility of having a good life as it can mar the quality of your life and finances. A bad credit will be responsible for your inability to avail of loans, a house, credit cards and even a good job. If you are at a place where you are worried about your credit rating, do read this article. It will give you tips on improving your credit score.

Dispute Errors - Learn the details about how to dispute any errors found in your credit report. make sure you take the time to find out what you need to do to dispute these errors so you can take the action needed. See the bottom of this article for more details about how to dispute erroneous items on your credit report.

Review: Once you have got hold of the reports, it is time to review them. Make sure you study and review each and every aspect of the report and not miss anything. Often it is seen that credit report contains inaccurate information which negatively affects a person's credit score. Find out if your report has any such items and list them. Also write down what the items are which are negatively impacting your credit score so you will know exactly what to fix.

Dispute: This is the step when you dispute the inaccurate information your credit report has. Find out all the inaccurate items a particular report contains and contact the agency which has given it out. Inform them of the inaccuracies and demand that the items be removed from your report. It may take sometime for the credit agencies to contact you but they will no matter what. Make sure that such inaccurate items are removed from the next set of reports the credit agencies bring out. This is a very important step of correcting bad credit.

In these tough economic times, your credit is more important than ever. Even people with seemingly good credit are getting turned down for credit cards and home and automobile loans. Everyone is frantically searching for a way of how to improve credit score fast so that they can get the loan they need.Another thing that is happening is that businesses are being more harsh when it comes to negative credit reporting. Many people have noticed their credit score dropping as much as 200 points in one month just for being late on a few bills. The companies that are doing this hope that this will give their customers a little motive to start paying their bills - and paying them on time.

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