Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Universal Laws - The Key Law of Success

By Casie D. Leavens

Your definite chief aim must be written down and committed to memory. It must be written down on a daily basis and placed where you can review it at least once a day. The mind works as such that we act in harmony with our dominating thoughts. The stronger we feel about those thoughts, the more our behavior lines up. It is amazing that when we think about not spilling the hot coffee, we always seem to get second degree burns. One key thing that must occur when you write down your goals and dreams is that it must be handwritten to achieve the desired effect. The effect of the written words and the mind is very powerful. Those words are committed to memory and recalled faster when a simple composition pad and pen is used.

This powerful interaction between words and mind is lost when you type them into the computer or the latest iPhone. A good typist can type sentences without having to look at the keyboard. It is next to impossible to write on a pad without actually reading the words. It is the natural cause and effect of writing; you have to look at what you are writing.

All the processes of Nature are winning. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She seeks at results in every form and manner. To achieve something in the best and identifiable sense of the term we are obliged to, with Nature as our model, copy her ways. In her principles and law of success we shall discover all the secrets of richness.Limitless richness are at man's consumption. There are no limits to his possibilities. He focuses and understands the basics, forces, and doctrine of the whole world and the law of success. He can improve a great intelligence; thus, all life's issues may be answered, all Nature's secrets exposed, and all human troubles solved. Everything is achievable in this world.

Your goals and dreams must be personal to you. I remember when I was in college I always wanted to own a home at the age of twenty seven years old. I did not achieve it till I was thirty years old; I was brutal on myself for those three years of not achieving my goal. I did more damage to the success of that goal in the way.

Do you desire to do well? You can. You hold all the necessities within yourself; all you need is just to obtain a acceptably understanding of the principles and laws upon which success is dependent, and then to apply the right ways of operating these causes until success is achieved.The law of success is as clear-cut as the laws of any science. The precise use of this law will produce outcome every time. It is results that is important; and as results may be multiplied indefinitely by a relentless application of this law of success, there is no ending for the success you can enjoy. Great things are not less possible than small things, and it is the great things that will go after whoever operate the universal laws with loyalty and understanding.

Harvesting at the Right Time The farmer needs to gather in the crop when the time is right. He cannot do it too early, or the crop will not be useful; he cannot do it too late, or the crop will destroy itself in the field. A person working towards success needs to realize when the opportunities arise so that the efforts planted can be realized at the right time. Hesitation can cause the opportunity to rot away; the attempt to reach the absolute maximum can cause the right time to slip by. Act when your subconscious says to act; by listening to the small voice within you, you will know when the harvest time has occurred. The farmer doesn't wait until the absolute peak ripeness occurs; he harvests the crop just before then, so that the ripeness will occur when the harvest is delivered. So, too, a person needs to act just before the maximum results, so that the results can mature during the act of harvesting. Particularly when it comes to investments, it is better to get 95% of the profit by acting early than to get 80% of the profit by acting too late.

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