Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why New Years Decision Just Will not Work?

By Andrew Wilkin

As the New Year draws on us, many of us opt to turn over a new leaf, and set new years resolutions. Inside a few weeks if not days of January 1st many have given up their plans for that diet, or picked up the cigarettes, or stopped exercising.

The biggest problem with New Years resolutions is that we are selecting a time to open a new chapter dictated by a calendar rather than our own actions. This is no different to procrastinating, avoiding change till tomorrow and the day after.

There's also the wider expectancy that people fail to keep their resolutions, meaning at some level you are pre-programmed this is unavoidable.

Added to which if you were really that inspired to make those changes, you would have recently made a start on it already. It is claimed that folk don't try a change if the agony is not satisfactory, and they haven't any vision of where they would like to be as an alternative.

The next thing is to appreciate that you cannot do everything at once, anything learned or achieved is done in a series of steps over some time, not in one day or single week.

You did not learn how to walk in a day, or drive a day, or perhaps to read and write. Yet now we are living in a world in which we think everything to be immediate, the microwave to cook our food, fast Internet access on our portable gizmos, we are expecting things now and instantaneous feedback.

The idea of starting your changes at that specific point in time reinforces that need for quick results. After all that is the reason why so many folk hold out for that miracle weight control tablet, or silver bullet solution, or make money fast scheme.

So what's the alternative? Focus on what you do need in your life, not what you don't. Rather than list things you want to change, list the things you need instead , and better still don't just write a list, visualise really having them.

Imagine basically having already achieved what you set out to do, what have been your major steps on the way, and which did you want to first? Just thinking in this fashion will remove obstacles that held you back from taking that primary step.

Take charge of your life, and set your direction today, and your actions and results will surely follow.

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