Friday, January 11, 2013

OCD Test

By Christopher A. Hernandez

When individuals think they have OCD they could be right or they could be wrong. There are a lot of symptoms for this disorder that could be signs of other things. It's important for people to see a doctor so they can take an OCD test to find out whether or not this is a disorder they likely have. There are also quizzes available online that can be done from the comfort of home. These should not be replacements for medical advice, but they can help individuals determine if they need professional attention.

At home tests.There are going to be a lot of questions asked during an OCD test. Questions about concerns with germs will be there as will questions about keeping things in order. There will also be questions about thoughts that come to mind and regular worries that go on throughout the day. The test will move on to inquire about repetitive acts that are performed, how they make someone feel and if there is a chronic need to do them all the time. It's extremely important to answer all of these truthfully, as incorrect answers can change the results of the test.Doctor's office tests.When at the office of a physician, they will likely give patients a number of different tests. These will help the doctor come to the proper diagnosis so they can rule out other illnesses or disorders that could be a result of the symptoms as well. The physical exam will be much like a regular checkup. The physician will check blood pressure, heart rate, height, weight and listen to the lungs and heart to make sure they are functioning properly.

The big question is how to distinguish from someone who is crazy about say collecting stamps or coins over someone who thinks that collecting newspapers is their hobby. Actually trying to find out where to draw the line is very difficult to do between eccentric or harmless behaviour. This is why it is so important to get a proper assessment from licensed psychiatrist. Many people are worried about this, as they seem to think that medication is the only answer, but I have found that in most cases it is not even included in the treatment plan, there are so many different options to try before going down this route, such as cognitive behavioural therapy.Hypnosis is a very popular treatment for helping people who suffer from OCD. There are indeed many benefits individual hypnosis can do for a person, especially when a person is determined to see things to the very end or committed to do things that he believes he can, then the possibilities are endless. Hypnosis has seen excellent results in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, but to get the full benefit from it you have to see it through to the end.

After yet another display of lining up toys or endlessly performing the same behavior over and over it's not unusual for parents to wonder if their child may have not one but two disorders - autism and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).OCD is a neurological disorder that causes obsessive thoughts and behaviors and can greatly disrupt a person's life. There are two main elements to OCD, thoughts or obsessions and compulsions or behaviors.The obsessions are experienced as thoughts, images or impulses and can be persistent. Whereas compulsions are repetitive behaviors that the sufferer feels compelled to carry out whether they want to or not. The performance of the repetitive behaviors is usually done to reduce distress or to stop a particular event.

Psychotherapy is effective for many people because it retrains the mind to control thought patterns. This also helps diminish compulsive behaviors by gradually exposing the patient to the things they fear the most. There are a lot of different techniques that therapists use with their patients. Sometimes this treatment can be stressful; it varies with each person and their reasons for having the disorder.Other treatment options are available to explore. Residential treatment and psychiatric hospitalization are both options for people who want to be watched by professionals. These put them in a safe environment where they can learn which treatments are best for them. Deep brain stimulation and ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) are other options available as well. Some individuals even try out self-help and home remedies, which can be effective.

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that sufferers have to perform in order to get rid of their obsessive thoughts. This is only temporary relief, the thoughts and compulsions will come back. Everyone has different compulsions based on their individual personality. Some examples of symptoms include: counting, keeping order, repeating actions, washing, cleaning and checking on things. Some people have to flip their light switch ten times when they come home while others have to wash their hands 100 times per day to help them avoid germs. There are thousands of different examples of these.

Compulsions - Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly which are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these compulsions either are not connected in a realistic way or are clearly excessive. Some of the most common examples include:Repeating actions, such as washing hands or cleaning Checking and rechecking that something has been done, like the oven has been turned off,Repetitively arranging objects,Counting frequently,Repeating a word, phrase or prayer,Hoarding or keeping items that have little importance

Despite the person's realizing that these thoughts are irrational, these thoughts are irresistible to the person affected by the OCD.The diagnosis of OCD has been described in medicine for more than 100 years. OCD occurs fairly equally among people, regardless of culture. The largest onset group by age is typically 15-24 years old however OCD can be triggered at almost any age. Individuals with OCD are more likely to also develop an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, or other behavioral concerns such as depression.While there is no known specific cause for OCD, family history and bio-neurological disorder in the brain are thought to be factors in who will get the illness. People who have relatives with OCD are generally at a somewhat higher risk of developing the disorder themselves. It is thought that an imbalance of the chemical serotonin in the brain may also contribute to the development of OCD. 50-60% of those who reported having OCD stated a stress event was occurring or had occurred around the time of onset, and almost all state that stress increases the symptoms of OCD.

To ensure best results it is often recommended that behavioral treatments and medication be combined. The medication is usually prescribed to help the child become more open to the behavioral therapy. Since behavioral therapy can be challenging - especially as most children don't see their OCD behaviors as undesirable - medication can make the difference in encouraging children to be open to the suggested changes.

While autism and OCD can occur in the same individual, it is much more common for children with autism to simply display behaviors that are similar to those of OCD, but that are in fact a part of their autism symptoms and not a separate case of obsessive compulsive disorder. Nonetheless, it is believed that autism and OCD based repetitive thoughts and behaviors are quite similar in the early stages of development, but become dissimilar over time as they often serve different functions within the two disorders.Dealing with autism and OCD at an early age should be prioritized to ensure that regular childhood and life experiences such as early education occurs more smoothly. The fewer obsessive-compulsive symptoms a child with autism has generally, the more positive their educational and life experiences will be.If you believe your child is suffering from OCD contact your doctor to discuss diagnosis and treatment options.

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