Friday, January 11, 2013

Girls' Self Esteem

By Nathaniel L. Ferguson

Every girl has some insecurities, the man in her life can help build her self esteem by doing a few things which will surely leave her feeling sexy, here are a few l gathered,Look into her eyes before or after kissing and let her know how beautiful she is.Compliment her when she is dressed up.Express how much you like certain parts of her body and how you wish you could look at them or all day.Send her an sms to remind her how special she is to you.Remind her of some of the special things or words she would have done and express how much you like the way the way she thinks.Express how you like the way she does certain things to you physically or emotionally.

It is always best to come up with your own personal stress relief routine as everyone is so individual in what works and what they like. However there are a few good places for most people to start.Understanding - The first step in personal stress relief is to know what stress really is and how it can affect your life. Try to take some time off to reflect on what situations in your life stress you out. You can start a diary and through writing down the daily events that get you going. This is particularly good for many teenage girls as they like the private journaling. Of course talking with a close friend or a family member about any issues is also a great way to deal with it.

Take photos together.Take her shopping for underwear together and later express how much you like the lingerie you would have bought together.Do things together like sports, outdoor activities or just taking a walk holding hands.Kiss her on her neck when out and about unexpectedly.Call her at around midday just to remind her how crazy you are about her.Express to her what you like in your relationship and what you would want her to do for you which will make her happy.Agree to experiment on new things sexually and socially.Ask her to write a list of ten things that she fantasizes about.Tell her how she looks sexy even in her pyjamas and how much you are attracted to her.Discuss how great certain sexual acts were and do them again and improve on them.Always remember to tell her how much you love her you can never say it enough.

Creating a positive sense of self is as important to the teenage daughter as her reading the "Do not feed the lions" sign at the zoo. Disregarding either can result in losing very necessary parts of herself.How a girl evolves into her adolescent and teenage years with her self esteem intact can be defined as a tight rope walk at times. Self esteem building begins as a child and continues building upon itself one step at a time. If along the tight rope walk of self esteem she finds herself missing her steps, substantial falls and injury may occur.

Whilst self esteem activities for girls may conjure up ideas of getting makeovers and new hair-do's I'm going to try and steer away from that sort of thing as I've found that this is not really self esteem building, but a very shallow way that gives you fake confidence and is no real help in the end. I'm not against dressing up and looking good (c'mon, every girl loves to look good) but it cannot be your source of confidence and self esteem in life as it is too variable, inconsistent and circumstantial.

How absurd!I held onto a negative response to women for so long and didn't even realize because of my 'learned' responses in the past, every relationship I had up until that moment was ruined before it even began! This type of problem happens with both men and women. Whether abuse, shyness or fall-outs. If you are in a situation like this or if you ever run into this sort of problem, REALIZE, people are people just like you are and you cant judge a book by its cover. We are all born into this world and we'll all go out the same way! Just because the person you was with before treated you like dirt doesn't mean all men/women are the same.

Another mask could be the mask of the "class clown". This mask also does a really good job of sending the message that an individual is always joking around. Joking around and not being serious keeps others from learning what is really going on inside isn't very funny at all. Laughing at the jokes is a lot better than laughing at the person that hides behind the mask of the class clown. To keep from being perceived as a "joke" the mask wearer tells jokes to keep everyone laughing at those rather than her as a person.

The bottom line and the best advice I can give you about it is that know that true confidence and self esteem does not come from being eye candy, this is a false sense of self image and confidence which will disappear once a woman reaches a certain age. The trick is not to get swept up in this whole "looks is everything" argument. Make sure you look after yourself and feature whatever you cannot fix(aka - if you have crooked teeth, that doesn't mean they can't be clean) as it is normal for everyone to want to look presentable, this is fine.

The masks of the "over achiever", "workaholic", "cleanaholic", "committeeaholic", "schoolclubaholic" etc. are all very similar. These are the people who over commit and over involve themselves in things because the busier they are with their time, the less time they have to spend with themselves alone. These mask wearers hide behind their busyness to keep others focusing on their hard work and involvement in activities rather than on the deficiencies that lies within themselves. They may be trying to prove to everyone that they are worthy and can actually be someone that others perceive as important or smart. In their attempts to undo the wrongs of their past, they oftentimes work themselves into a state of an emotional breakdown. It is hard to wear the "everyone can count on me" mask and be all things to all people.

There is a mask that girls and women put on called the "beauty mask". This mask disguises the many flaws that lie beneath the make-up and name brand clothes. No amount of eye liner and mascara can ultimately hide what the eyes are truly saying. They are saying "I want you to believe that I am beautiful on the outside because if you really saw what I looked like underneath, you wouldn't think I was beautiful at all". Hiding behind the fabulous outfits, fancy beads, earrings, and makeup "beauty mask" is a shallow shield against the truth that screams "I want to love myself, but I don't!"The masks above are just some of the many masks that people wear. In improving self esteem, help your teenage daughter to discover and name the mask that she may be wearing. If you look close enough, you too may even discover that you wear a similar mask or have in the past. The road to self esteem building may be a journey you can take together. Like I said before, the first step is the most difficult because it calls for honesty and removal of the mask.

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