Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

By Oriel Larocque

There are many natural remedies for anxiety, a problem that plagues far too many people worldwide. First of all, anxiety is the body's automatic response to stress. Anxiety provides the body with a boost of adrenalin when a lion crosses our path in the jungle--it's a life-saving response. Unfortunately, anxiety has become a way of life for a myriad of people around the globe. Now it's bills and cubicles and traffic and computer meltdowns crossing our paths in the suburban jungle. While the body's response hasn't changed, it still cannot survive in a constant state of "5 Alarm Fire" like this. When experiencing anxiety, one's heart rate and blood pressure increase, blood sugar elevates, sweating often becomes excessive, and it may be difficult to breathe and swallow. Rather than running to the doctor for a pharmaceutical medication, first consider some of the many natural remedies for anxiety.

Everyone suffers from feelings of anxiety at some time or another in their lives. It would be a very cold fish indeed who did not at some time have feelings of nervousness or unease. However, there are a large number of sufferers who have a permanent feeling of anxiety and or panic. The anxiety can take many forms such as a compulsive disorder, a phobia or tendency to frequent panic attacks. In this case natural remedies for anxiety could well bring about a remarkable improvement in the condition.

Some of the natural remedies for anxiety that people are using range from extracts to daily capsules to regular daily beverages that can be purchased from the local organic shop. These extracts are completely safe as long as you know who the manufacturer is and they supply you with the label of what is in the actual bottle. More and more manufacturers in the health niche are realizing their regular meds or pills aren't doing the trick.

One of the remedies is called the Seven Source Mushroom Extract. It is a small bottle that has a dropper vile built into the lid. You simply drop 10 droplets or more into a cup of water and take daily for 90 days. Then other people are also taking this extract straight up by dropping it on the bottom of the tongues for the direct effect to the blood stream.

One final tip on dealing with anxiety naturally is in using the "Serenity Prayer." This non-denominational prayer says, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This powerful little prayer can also help you reduce anxiety without expensive Western medicine

There is a tendency for many people simply to rush to the doctors or Pharmacist at the first sign of any illness. IN the case of mild anxiety or panic attacks the natural remedies for anxiety are often a better option.Many people suffer from stress and anxiety symptoms, for most people they are not long term or serious but they do need to be treated. To learn more about Conquer Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Have you wondered why sometimes you suddenly find yourself feeling nervous, worried, or fearful yet you have no clue why you should be feeling that way? You may be part of a growing number of people in the 21st century who are suffering from anxiety disorder. It is not a disease to be ashamed of, and it is not something that always requires a huge amount of medication for treatment. Some anxiety disorder sufferers rely on prescription medications while others choose to treat their condition with effective home remedies. The process of finding the best solution for you can take time and be a trying experience, but there are a number of great home remedies to treat anxiety disorder that can, in fact, be very effective.

Rather than taking prescription medicine that have a lot of adverse side effects that we do not want, why not try natural herbal remedies? Strong prescription drugs can stop and prevent anxiety attacks but they also have adverse side effects like drowsiness, weakness and some drugs can even cause heart attacks. While natural herbal remedies are safe, non-addictive and easier to use to treat anxiety disorders. Natural herbal remedies are being used since the dawn of time and it is often a great alternative to western medicine and pharmaceutical drugs that cost a lot.

The best herbs to use to treat anxiety are passionflower, hops, and valerian. There are many great formulations on the market that contain these herbs together in tablet, capsule or liquid form. If you also suffer from depression, St Johns Wort is also another great remedy to use alongside other herbal anxiety remedies.Natural Remedy Two - Mental/Emotional Techniques.The power of your mind to control and eliminate anxiety is an amazing asset, which we are all able to tap into and use. Anxiety has quickly been eliminated using various mental and emotional approaches. Sometimes one session is all it takes to cure somebody of anxiety or panic.

Many anxiety disorder sufferers have had success by limiting their intake of sweeteners, natural and artificial sweeteners alike. It is important to watch your physical reactions to certain sweeteners as you attempt to narrow the choices of sweeteners that may be causing the stress. If a substance is identified then you should be certain to stay away from that sweetener if it is harmful, or be sure to use it if you find it tolerable.Because of the nervousness that anxiety produces, anxiety sufferers should avoid substances that are high in caffeine, since caffeine has the tendency to spike the anxiety levels. Switch to decaffeinated coffee to reduce the caffeine intake while still enjoying the coffee experience and flavor.

If you lead a fairly inactive lifestyle and you are plagued with anxiety and panic, when you start exercising and getting into physical therapies, you may be surprised at how quickly your anxiety problems disappear.There is no need to experience harmful and debilitating side effects of prescription medication, especially now that you know about three powerful and highly effective natural remedies for anxiety. Choose one of these remedies or even combine them for fast results. Remember, these solutions are not miracles but they do work. Just give them time and sooner rather than later, you will be living a healthy, happy, calm and anxiety free life!

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